Real Estate May 6, 2020

How to Successfully Buy Your House During COVID19

Serious Buyers

Serious Home Buyre working with Windermere Real Estate, virtual tour safe from home during covid19

For those buyers who are actively searching Active home Buyers Searching for a new homefor a home be prepared to follow local, state and the National Association of Realtors offers guidelines for looking at homes safely with tips like:

  1. Buyers wash their hands Serious sellers, have serious buyers wash hands before entering the home, safety precautions, Covid 19or use an alcohol-based sanitizer Hand Sanitizer before entering the home and again after leaving.
  2. Cover shoes with booties. covers shoes with booties before entering a home, Covid 19, Stay safe
  3. Wear facemasks. Wear a face mask
  4. Clean Serious Sellers, Clean down surfaces before buyers enter and after they leave all surfaces prior to entrance and again after.
  5. Sellers will hopefully open doors open doorand turn on lights Turn lights on for buyers prior to potential buyers entering to reduce the need for them to touch surfaces.

These requirements may stay in effect for some time so if you are ready and willing to buy a home with a trusted professional who has your best interest in mind and are taking the lead on this new eras, approach to home buying then let’s connect so we can help you navigate your move through this uncertain time.

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Uncategorized March 25, 2020

How to Beat Cabin Fever

How to Beat Cabin Fever

Cabin Fever, Stuck Inside, Woman sitting on couch with red pillow, looking out the window, board

As our country and community marches on in the fight against COVID19, it has been amazing to see people stepping up and reinventing their lives to help stop the spread. Although social distancing is by far the most effective way of protecting yourself and your loved ones, I think we can all agree it is getting a bit dull. 


Cabin fever is hard enough to deal with in the cold darkness of the winter but in the middle of this beautiful spring?! It’s understandable to be restless and eager to get out.


To help you fight the Quarantine Cabin Fever we have developed a list of 5 things to keep up your spirits.  



  • Pull Out a Good Book (or 2)


Almost everyone has that list of books they keep saying they are going to read someday. Today is the day! With the normal busyness of day to day life placed on hold, what better time to dig into the pages of that novel or self-betterment book?


Need a suggestion on a good book? Try reading something by local author Robert Elmer! His stories are packed full of history, adventure, and action. The perfect thing to entertain you for hours on end!



  • Start Spring Cleaning


We know, not the most exciting activity. However, it is probably the one future you will appreciate the most. Post quarantine you aren’t going to want to spend MORE time secluded in your home getting it ready for summertime entertaining. So get a jumpstart on the game and start cleaning/decluttering now.


Not sure where to start? Download this FREE Printable Decluttering Checklist by Making Lemonade to make sure you don’t miss anything. 



  • Call Friends and Family


Sometimes when we’re down in the dumps we can forget there are so many in the same boat (especially right now). This time of isolation is the perfect opportunity to reach out to friends and family you might not have talked to in a while – especially grandparents! If you’re wanting a little more than just to hear their voice; below is a list of video calling apps you can connect with others on. 


  • Take a Free Online Course 


Maybe for you, this time away from others is actually just an opportunity for personal growth! Personal growth could be emotional, spiritual, or intellectual. Right now might just be the perfect time to pick up an online course or two. 


Don’t have the funds for tuition? Corsera is an online educational facility partnering with world-class instructors to make online learning more accessible. They have hundreds of free courses you can sign up for TODAY. 


We personally suggest signing up for Dr. Laurie Santos’ course on The Science of Well-Being.



  • Get Outside


To be clear, this does NOT mean meeting up with your friends for a picnic at the park or joining a group on a hike. Getting outside is extremely important right now to help fight off the depression that can happen from being cooped up; however, outside isolation should still include social distancing. Going on a solitary walk down the street or a stroll to the beach might be just the thing you need to keep your spirits up. However, if you see a neighbor, friend, or any other person be sure to keep the 6-feet-rule. 


Not sure what 6 feet really looks like? This CNN article has some helpful and amusing images that could help! 

You might also be interested in community resources available to you during this time:

together, Covid19, stay safe, resources